Terapia Multidimensional: o que é?
A Terapia Multidimensional nasceu 1989, em Paris. Começou por ser recebida por Hélène Abiassi em canalizações dos Seres da Luz e tem sido continuamente expandida por novas informações canalizadas por Hélène Abiassi e João Carlos Paliteiro. É uma terapia de ascensão baseada nas novas energias disponíveis no nosso planeta.
O objectivo da Terapia Multidimensional é assistir cada um de nós no seu processo interior de Ascensão. A verdadeira Ascensão permite vibrar na frequência do Espírito de Deus no Planeta, tal como vibram os Mestres Ascensionados ou a Fraternidade da Luz. A partir de um trabalho eficiente sobre o Chakra do coração, temos acesso a todas as dimensões e podemos transmutar tudo o que prende ou retém a pessoa na 3ª dimensão e em sintonia com vibrações inferiores.
Quando necessário, são efectuadas curas espirituais nos corpos de Luz e feitas reprogramações do ADN com o objectivo de desativar padrões negativos relacionados com medos (conscientes ou inconscientes) e de activar padrões positivos de paz, harmonia, alegria e amor incondicional. Cada tratamento é feito sob a direcção de Mestre Adama, Mestre Sananda, Mãe Maria e Arcanjo Miguel. Também participam as equipes de cura formadas por Seres da 5ª Dimensão unificada e superiores.
Durante a terapia acontece um trabalho de limpeza e desobsessão espiritual e de eliminação de bloqueios a nível físico, emocional, mental e espiritual, o que resulta num aumento da frequência vibratória da pessoa trazendo um considerável bem-estar e maior paz interior. A reconexão e alinhamento espiritual que ocorrem permitem um maior acesso às energias originais do Eu Superior. Esta terapia é realizada a nível espiritual sem intervenções físicas. O tratamento envolve limpeza e estabilização dos Chakras, limpeza e transmutação de assuntos dos corpos emocionais e mentais e de assuntos inter-estelares.
Em todas as situações em que se verifique essa necessidade é feita a rescisão de contratos antigos, pactos, votos, juras e promessas feitos nesta vida e em vidas passadas que podem impedir a manifestação do livre arbítrio actual.
As equipes de cura entram em acção trabalhando com energias do coração, da paz, do perdão e do amor incondicional, respeitando as sensibilidades de cada um. Será feita também a transmutação de memórias traumáticas desta vida, das vidas passadas e também da vida intra-uterina.
Em resumo, os assuntos abordados são: resgate dos nossos corpos ainda presos em situações de outras épocas e dimensões, resgate de alma, curas de vidas passadas, futuras e paralelas, encaminhamento de seres que nos acompanham, limpeza de magias e implantes, libertação de prisioneiros, cura da nossa criança interior, cura da nossa vítima interna, limpeza dos chakras, cura da auto-estima e auto-confiança, limpeza dos cristais dos líquidos do corpo, alinhamento dos Chakras e corpos de luz, cura das nossas raízes e do Chakra Estrela da Terra, equilíbrio yin-yang, reconexão com a Essência Divina e com o Eu superior.
O coração representa o único Portal de acesso a uma consciência superior. Curá-lo é dissolver os bloqueios emocionais e as marcas kármicas, retirar tudo o que impede a livre circulação do amor incondicional.
A Terapia Multidimensional cura as várias expressões do nosso ser e faz com que se manifeste uma realidade saudável feliz e centrada no coração. Pode ser realizada também para a cura de residências, empresas e animais.
Muito indicada para médiuns, sensitivos, crianças índigo, crianças cristal e a todos que buscam a cura espiritual para a Ascensão.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
Multidimentional Therapy - What is it?
Multidimensional Therapy was born 1989 in Paris. It began being received by Hélène Abiassi in channels of the Beings of Light and has been continuously expanded by new information channeled by Hélène Abiassi and João Carlos Paliteiro. It is an ascension therapy based on the new energies available on our planet.
The aim of Multidimensional Therapy is to assist each one of us in our inner Ascension process. The true Ascension allows you to vibrate in the frequency of the Spirit of God on the Planet, just as the Ascended Masters or the Brotherhood of Light vibrates. From an efficient work on the heart chakra, we have access to all dimensions and we can transmute everything that clenches or holds the person in the 3rd dimension and in tune with lower vibrations.
Whenever necessary, spiritual healings are carried out on the bodies of Light and DNA reprograms are carried out in order to deactivate negative patterns related to fears (conscious or unconscious) and to activate positive patterns of peace, harmony, joy and unconditional love. Each treatment is done under the direction of Master Adama, Master Sananda, Mother Mary and the Archangel Michael. The healing teams are formed by beings from the unified 5th dimension as well as higher dimensions.
During therapy, there is a work of spiritual cleansing and dis-obsession and the elimination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, which results in an increase in the person's vibrational frequency, bringing considerable well-being and greater inner peace. The reconnection and spiritual alignment that occurs allows greater access to the original energies of the Higher Self. This therapy is performed on a spiritual level without physical interventions. The treatment involves cleaning and stabilizing the chakras, cleaning and transmuting subjects of the emotional and mental bodies and interstellar subjects.
In every situation where this need is met, old contracts, pacts, vows, swears and promises made in this life and in past lives that can prevent the manifestation of current free will be terminated.
The healing teams take action by working with energies from the heart, peace, forgiveness and unconditional love, respecting the sensibilities of each person. There will also be a transmutation of traumatic memories of this life, past lives and also intrauterine life.
In summary, the subjects covered are: rescue of our bodies still trapped in situations from other times and dimensions, soul rescue, healing of past, future and parallel lives, referral of beings that accompany us, cleaning of spells and implants, release of prisoners, healing our inner child, healing our inner victim, cleaning the chakras, healing self-esteem and self-confidence, cleaning the body's liquid crystals, aligning the chakras and light bodies, healing our roots and the Earth Star chakra, yin-yang balance, reconnection with the Divine Essence and the Higher Self.
The heart represents the only Portal for access to a higher consciousness. Healing the heart is to dissolve emotional blocks and karmic marks, to remove everything that prevents the free circulation of unconditional love.
Multidimensional Therapy heals the various expressions of our being and makes a happy, heart-centered healthy reality manifest. It can also be used to cure homes, businesses and animals.
Specially suitable for mediums, sensitives, indigo children, crystal children and everyone who seeks spiritual healing for Ascension.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
The aim of Multidimensional Therapy is to assist each one of us in our inner Ascension process. The true Ascension allows you to vibrate in the frequency of the Spirit of God on the Planet, just as the Ascended Masters or the Brotherhood of Light vibrates. From an efficient work on the heart chakra, we have access to all dimensions and we can transmute everything that clenches or holds the person in the 3rd dimension and in tune with lower vibrations.
Whenever necessary, spiritual healings are carried out on the bodies of Light and DNA reprograms are carried out in order to deactivate negative patterns related to fears (conscious or unconscious) and to activate positive patterns of peace, harmony, joy and unconditional love. Each treatment is done under the direction of Master Adama, Master Sananda, Mother Mary and the Archangel Michael. The healing teams are formed by beings from the unified 5th dimension as well as higher dimensions.
During therapy, there is a work of spiritual cleansing and dis-obsession and the elimination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, which results in an increase in the person's vibrational frequency, bringing considerable well-being and greater inner peace. The reconnection and spiritual alignment that occurs allows greater access to the original energies of the Higher Self. This therapy is performed on a spiritual level without physical interventions. The treatment involves cleaning and stabilizing the chakras, cleaning and transmuting subjects of the emotional and mental bodies and interstellar subjects.
In every situation where this need is met, old contracts, pacts, vows, swears and promises made in this life and in past lives that can prevent the manifestation of current free will be terminated.
The healing teams take action by working with energies from the heart, peace, forgiveness and unconditional love, respecting the sensibilities of each person. There will also be a transmutation of traumatic memories of this life, past lives and also intrauterine life.
In summary, the subjects covered are: rescue of our bodies still trapped in situations from other times and dimensions, soul rescue, healing of past, future and parallel lives, referral of beings that accompany us, cleaning of spells and implants, release of prisoners, healing our inner child, healing our inner victim, cleaning the chakras, healing self-esteem and self-confidence, cleaning the body's liquid crystals, aligning the chakras and light bodies, healing our roots and the Earth Star chakra, yin-yang balance, reconnection with the Divine Essence and the Higher Self.
The heart represents the only Portal for access to a higher consciousness. Healing the heart is to dissolve emotional blocks and karmic marks, to remove everything that prevents the free circulation of unconditional love.
Multidimensional Therapy heals the various expressions of our being and makes a happy, heart-centered healthy reality manifest. It can also be used to cure homes, businesses and animals.
Specially suitable for mediums, sensitives, indigo children, crystal children and everyone who seeks spiritual healing for Ascension.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)