Munay-Ki Xamanismo Inca, com Maria Teixeira
Munay-Ki significa "eu amo-te", com o significado subjacente " eu amo a pessoa que És."
Para mim, é um meio para nos tornarmos aquilo que sempre fomos: um retorno á essência - Amor e Luz!
É constituído por nove ritos que são comuns a todas as tradições xamânicas. Ritos profundamente transformadores da personalidade humana, capazes de transmitir sabedoria e poder. Derivam das grandes iniciações do Vale dos Hindus, que foram trazidas para as Américas pelos homens e mulheres que cruzaram o Estreito de Bering da Sibéria, durante o período glacial à cerca de 30.000 anos atrás. Esses viajantes foram os corajosos Laika - os Guardiões da Idade.
Os Ritos de Munay-Ki são transmissões energéticas e ajudam-nos a limpar o nosso campo de energia luminosa, a libertar-nos das amarras e dores do passado, de origem carmica e genética, do ego desequilibrado, preparando-nos para a Era do Homo Luminous – um novo ser humano - que vive a sua natureza transcendente, livre do medo.
Com o Munay-Ki estamos no caminho de nos tornar instrumentos da paz e agentes de transformação!
Após a experiência do Munay-Ki passamos a sentir-nos totalmente conectados com tudo o que é sagrado alimentados pela energia do puro amor!
Facilitadora: Maria Teixeira
€ 111 inclui Manual & Pedra Pi
*Além das datas programadas, podemos fazer iniciações fora das datas, durante a semana e também individualmente*
É tempo de abrirmos o nosso coração, é hora de despertar, é hora de transformação!
É tempo de voltares a ser aquilo que sempre foste!
9:30 Abertura do espaço sagrado
Meditação de grupo
Transmissão de ritos
13:00 Almoço
14:00 Transmissão de ritos
18:30 Lanche
19:00 Transmissão de ritos
20:30 Fecho do espaço sagrado
9:30 Acolhimento/ abertura do espaço sagrado
Transmissão de ritos
13:00 Almoço
14:30 Transmissão de ritos
18:30 Lanche
20:00 Fecho do espaço sagrado
*Para todos os que quiserem fazer em pequenos grupos ou Individual, pode ser tb durante a semana.*
TRAZER: Roupa confortável, agasalho, almofada, manta, água e almoço para partilhar
RECOMENDAÇÕES: É recomendável que o almoço seja leve de preferência vegetariano, macrobiótico …..
INSCRIÇÕES - máximo de 20 participantes
Maria Teixeira
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
O Espaço "LUAR DE PAZ" numa iniciação de Munay-Ki
MUNAI KI - What is it?
MUNAY-KI means "I Love You", with the underlying meaning " I love the person You Are."
For me, it is the mean to become what we've always been: a return to the essence - Love and Light!
It consists of nine rites that are common to all shamanic traditions. Deeply transforming rites of the human personality, capable of transmitting wisdom and power. They derive from the Great initiations of The Hindu Valley, which were brought to America by the men and women who crossed the Siberian Bering Strait during the glacial period about 30,000 years ago. These travelers were the brave Laika - the Guardians of Age.
The Munay-Ki Rites are energetic transmissions that help us to clear our field of luminous energy, to free ourselves from the bonds and sorrows of the past, of karmic and genetic origin, from the unbalanced ego, preparing us for the age of Homo Luminous - a new human being - who lives his transcendent nature, free from fear.
With Munay-Ki we are on the way to becoming instruments of peace and agents of transformation!
After the Munay-Ki experience we started to feel totally connected with all that is sacred fueled by the energy of pure love!
Trainer: Maria Teixeira
€ 111 - includes Manual & Pi Stone
*Apart fom the scheduled dates, we can make initiations outside these dates, during the week and also individually *
It's time to open our heart, it's time to awaken, it's time to transform!
It's time to go back to what you always were!
09:30 - Reception / Opening of the Sacred Space
Group Meditation
Transmission of rites
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Transmission of Rites
18:30 - Snack
19:00 - Transmission of rites
20:30 - Closing of the Sacred Space
09:30 - Reception / Opening of the Sacred Space
Transmission of Rites
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Transmission of rites
18:30 - Snack
20:00 - Closing of the Sacred Space
*For all that want to do small groups or Individual, it can also be during the week.*
BRING: comfortable clothes, tracksuit, cushion, blanket, water and lunch to share
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that you have, preferably a macrobiotic vegetarian lunch...
REGISTRATION -Maximum of 20 participants
Maria Teixeira
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
MUNAY-KI means "I Love You", with the underlying meaning " I love the person You Are."
For me, it is the mean to become what we've always been: a return to the essence - Love and Light!
It consists of nine rites that are common to all shamanic traditions. Deeply transforming rites of the human personality, capable of transmitting wisdom and power. They derive from the Great initiations of The Hindu Valley, which were brought to America by the men and women who crossed the Siberian Bering Strait during the glacial period about 30,000 years ago. These travelers were the brave Laika - the Guardians of Age.
The Munay-Ki Rites are energetic transmissions that help us to clear our field of luminous energy, to free ourselves from the bonds and sorrows of the past, of karmic and genetic origin, from the unbalanced ego, preparing us for the age of Homo Luminous - a new human being - who lives his transcendent nature, free from fear.
With Munay-Ki we are on the way to becoming instruments of peace and agents of transformation!
After the Munay-Ki experience we started to feel totally connected with all that is sacred fueled by the energy of pure love!
Trainer: Maria Teixeira
€ 111 - includes Manual & Pi Stone
*Apart fom the scheduled dates, we can make initiations outside these dates, during the week and also individually *
It's time to open our heart, it's time to awaken, it's time to transform!
It's time to go back to what you always were!
09:30 - Reception / Opening of the Sacred Space
Group Meditation
Transmission of rites
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Transmission of Rites
18:30 - Snack
19:00 - Transmission of rites
20:30 - Closing of the Sacred Space
09:30 - Reception / Opening of the Sacred Space
Transmission of Rites
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Transmission of rites
18:30 - Snack
20:00 - Closing of the Sacred Space
*For all that want to do small groups or Individual, it can also be during the week.*
BRING: comfortable clothes, tracksuit, cushion, blanket, water and lunch to share
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that you have, preferably a macrobiotic vegetarian lunch...
REGISTRATION -Maximum of 20 participants
Maria Teixeira
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)