Cursos de Mesa Psiónica Quântica com "Portal de Sírius" - Professora Maria Munay
Cursos de Mesas Psiónicas Quânticas disponíveis:
- Mesa Psiónica Quântica - Rosa
- Mesa Psiónica Quântica - Azul
- Mesa Cristalina
- Mesa de Ambientes (Casa Viva)
- Mesa "Portal de Sírius 2020"
Valor dos cursos: €333 cada.
No valor está incluído: Mesa formato A3, Manual com anexos
Espaço Luar de Paz - Estoril & Maria Teixeira
[email protected]
Portugal: +351 939 739 179
Dubai: 0567409002
Caixa Geral Depósitos.... Nib - 0035 0293 0000 6563600 05
Mesa Psiónica Quântica - Azul
Visa preparar o operador para entender, gerar e enviar frequências usando a mesa Psiónica como ferramenta.
Objectivo principal - Introduzir conceitos quânticos. Despertar os co-criadores aptos.
Subir o nível de consciência individual e colaborar para o salto quântico da consciência da Humanidade. Crescer pelo amor e não pela dor.
Temas abordados:
Princípios da Radiestesia Psiónica
Mesa Psiónica.
Programação do pêndulo
Elementos da Mesa - apresentação.
Ferramentas da mesa
Dicas e aprofundamentos das ferramentas em branco
Exercícios práticos.
Mesa Psiónica Universal
Interagir com as redes de informação e vibrações, se conectando e sendo fonte para o envio, em grande escala, de energia de alta frequência, para grupos de familiares em todas as gerações, causando impacto imediato nas constelações familiares. Para grandes grupos de pessoas. Trabalha com a mente projectada acima das nossas realidades tridimensionais, accionadas pela assimilação e conhecimento das Leis Universais.
Temas abordados
- Leis Universais.
- Vibrações
- Inconsciente colectivo
- Símbolos, objectos pessoais, objectos colectivos.
- A criança, o não julgamento.
- A estrutura da grade energética.
- Redes de comunicação.
- Espirais.
- Níveis de consciência.
- Teoria holo informacional.
- Mediunidade.
"Portal de Sírius 2020"
De todas as Mesas, esta é a minha favorita.
O que é o "Portal de Sirius 2020"?
Sirius é a estrela mais brilhante no céu noturno. Localizada na constelação do Cão Maior, pode ser vista a partir de qualquer ponto na Terra.
É o lar da consciência Crística para toda a Galáxia. Sírius sempre foi um protótipo espiritual para a Terra e desempenhou um papel vital na sua recente evolução.
A energia espiritual jorra de Sírius para dentro do chacra do CORAÇÃO do nosso SOL e então avança para a Terra através dos raios solares.
Segundo a orientação Siriana, a coisa mais importante a fazer é irmos dentro dos nossos corações & estarmos abertos a Amar Incondicionalmente.💗
Portal de Sírius ✨
É composto por:
♡ 12 Planetas♂️♀️
♡ Cauda & Cabeça do Dragão.
♡ Golfinhos🐬
♡ Dragões🐲
♡ Unicórnios🦄
♡ Som🎶
♡ Família Akáshica🔆
♡ Hospital de Sta. Esmeralda🏨
♡ Estrelas✨
♡ DNA🦠
O que tudo Ilumina, Anima & Observa.
O Grande Sol Central é o Centro do Cosmos; o ponto de integração do Espírito para a Matéria. O ponto de Origem de toda a Criação Física & Espiritual.
Quando nos referimos ao Sol Central, e os seus atributos, precisamos de dar ênfase à sua condição de Centro da identidade do Universo. Antes do Universo existir, ele era apenas uma promessa de Ser, que dormia no seio mais profundo do Ser Divino e Absoluto, Brahaman.
Quando despertou, no início dos tempos, ficou estabelecido então, um ponto central "O GRANDE SOL CENTRAL", a partir deste centro, provém toda a Criação existente no Universo. O GRANDE SOL CENTRAL é a manifestação física do Ser Absoluto, O Brahaman, O Criador, O Princípio do Universo de cuja essência tudo emana e para onde tudo volta.
O ESPAÇO CÓSMICO, é o grande ÚTERO receptor das vibrações e energias que provêm do Grande Sol Central.
Cada vez que Sírius vibra de uma determinada maneira, também o fazem, simultaneamente, todos os Sóis da CADEIA SOLAR, inclusivé o SOL CENTRAL de cada Ser Humano, que é o seu próprio Chakra Central do Coração.
Agradeço ao meu amado planeta Terra/Gaya por poder servi-lo e tudo o que nele habita!🤗
Vamos vencer juntos, porque juntos Somos Muitos & Somos UM!
Maria Teixeira Munay
Contacte-nos para mais informação.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
Inscrições: [email protected]
Psionics® Quantum Tables available Workshops:
- Psionics® Quantum Pink Table
- Psionics® Quantum Blue Table
- Psionics® Crystalline Grid
- Quantum Psionics® for Clearing & Harmonizing
Spaces - "Sirius Portal 2020" Table
Amount for each Workshop: €333 each.
The value includes: Table format A3, Workbook and attachments and will be inserted in a Private Facebook group, with support and a lot of material.
Space"Luar de Paz" - Estoril & Maria Teixeira
[email protected]
Portugal: +351 939 739 179
Dubai: 0567409002
Caixa Geral Depósitos.... Nib - 0035 0293 0000 6563600 05
Psionics® Quantum Blue Table
Aims to prepare the table operator to understand, generate and send frequencies using the psionics table as a tool.
Main purpose - to introduce the operator to quantum concepts. Awaken apt co-creators.
To raise the level of individual consciousness and collaborate for the quantum leap in mankind consciousness. To grow by love and not by pain, fear or sorrow.
Topics covered:
Universal Psionic Table
To interact with the information and vibration networks, connecting and being the source for sending, on a large scale, high frequency energy, to family groups in all generations, causing an immediate impact on family constellations. For large Groups of people. It works with the mind projected above our three-dimensional realities, driven by the assimilation and knowledge of Universal Laws.
Topics covered
"Sirius Portal 2020"
Of all the tables, this is my favorite.
What is the "Sirius Portal 2020"?
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Located in the constellation of Canis Major, it can be seen from any point on Earth.
It is home to the Christ consciousness for the entire Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for Earth and has played a vital role in its recent evolution.
The spiritual energy flows from Sirius into the HEART chakra of our SUN and then advances to Earth through the sun's rays.
According to the Sirian orientation, the most important thing to do is to go inside our hearts & be open to Loving Unconditionally.💗
Sírius Portal 2020 ✨
Is composed by:
♡ 12 Planets ♂️♀️
♡ Tail & Head of the Dragon.
♡ Dolphins🐬
♡ Dragons🐲
♡ Unicorns🦄
♡ Sound🎶
♡ Akáshic Family🔆
♡ Hospital of St. Emerald🏨
♡ DNA🦠
The One that Illuminates, Animates & Observes All.
The Great Central Sun is the Center of the Cosmos; the integration point of the Spirit into Matter. The Origin of all Physical & Spiritual Creation.
When we refer to the Central Sun, and its attributes, we need to emphasize its condition as the Center of the Universe's identity. Before the Universe existed, it was just a promise of Being, which slept in the deepest bosom of the Divine and Absolute Being, Brahaman.
When it awoke, at the beginning of time, a central point was established "THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN", from this center, comes all the existing Creation in the Universe. The GREAT CENTRAL SUN is the physical manifestation of the Absolute Being, Brahaman, The Creator, The Beginning of the Universe from whose essence everything emanates and where everything returns to.
THE COSMIC SPACE is the great UTERUS that receives the vibrations and energies that come from the Great Central Sun.
Every time Sirius vibrates in a certain way, so do all the SUNS of the SOLAR CHAIN, including the CENTRAL SUN of each Human Being, which is his own Central Heart Chakra.
I thank my beloved planet Earth / Gaya for being able to serve it and everything that inhabits him!🤗
We will win together, because together We are Many & We are ONE!
Maria Teixeira Munay
For further info, please contact us
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
Inscrições: [email protected]
- Psionics® Quantum Pink Table
- Psionics® Quantum Blue Table
- Psionics® Crystalline Grid
- Quantum Psionics® for Clearing & Harmonizing
Spaces - "Sirius Portal 2020" Table
Amount for each Workshop: €333 each.
The value includes: Table format A3, Workbook and attachments and will be inserted in a Private Facebook group, with support and a lot of material.
Space"Luar de Paz" - Estoril & Maria Teixeira
[email protected]
Portugal: +351 939 739 179
Dubai: 0567409002
Caixa Geral Depósitos.... Nib - 0035 0293 0000 6563600 05
Psionics® Quantum Blue Table
Aims to prepare the table operator to understand, generate and send frequencies using the psionics table as a tool.
Main purpose - to introduce the operator to quantum concepts. Awaken apt co-creators.
To raise the level of individual consciousness and collaborate for the quantum leap in mankind consciousness. To grow by love and not by pain, fear or sorrow.
Topics covered:
- Principles of Psionics® Dowsing
- Psionics® Table
- Pendulum Programming
- Table Elements - presentation.
- Table tools
- Connection
- Measurement
- Portals
- Delivery
- Tips and deepening of the blank tools
- Practical exercises.
Universal Psionic Table
To interact with the information and vibration networks, connecting and being the source for sending, on a large scale, high frequency energy, to family groups in all generations, causing an immediate impact on family constellations. For large Groups of people. It works with the mind projected above our three-dimensional realities, driven by the assimilation and knowledge of Universal Laws.
Topics covered
- Universal Laws
- Vibrations
- Collective Consciousness
- Symbols, personal objects, collective objects
- The child, non-judgment
- The structure of the energy grid
- Communication Networks
- Spirals
- Levels of consciousness
- Holo informational theory
- Mediumship
"Sirius Portal 2020"
Of all the tables, this is my favorite.
What is the "Sirius Portal 2020"?
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Located in the constellation of Canis Major, it can be seen from any point on Earth.
It is home to the Christ consciousness for the entire Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for Earth and has played a vital role in its recent evolution.
The spiritual energy flows from Sirius into the HEART chakra of our SUN and then advances to Earth through the sun's rays.
According to the Sirian orientation, the most important thing to do is to go inside our hearts & be open to Loving Unconditionally.💗
Sírius Portal 2020 ✨
Is composed by:
♡ 12 Planets ♂️♀️
♡ Tail & Head of the Dragon.
♡ Dolphins🐬
♡ Dragons🐲
♡ Unicorns🦄
♡ Sound🎶
♡ Akáshic Family🔆
♡ Hospital of St. Emerald🏨
♡ DNA🦠
The One that Illuminates, Animates & Observes All.
The Great Central Sun is the Center of the Cosmos; the integration point of the Spirit into Matter. The Origin of all Physical & Spiritual Creation.
When we refer to the Central Sun, and its attributes, we need to emphasize its condition as the Center of the Universe's identity. Before the Universe existed, it was just a promise of Being, which slept in the deepest bosom of the Divine and Absolute Being, Brahaman.
When it awoke, at the beginning of time, a central point was established "THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN", from this center, comes all the existing Creation in the Universe. The GREAT CENTRAL SUN is the physical manifestation of the Absolute Being, Brahaman, The Creator, The Beginning of the Universe from whose essence everything emanates and where everything returns to.
THE COSMIC SPACE is the great UTERUS that receives the vibrations and energies that come from the Great Central Sun.
Every time Sirius vibrates in a certain way, so do all the SUNS of the SOLAR CHAIN, including the CENTRAL SUN of each Human Being, which is his own Central Heart Chakra.
I thank my beloved planet Earth / Gaya for being able to serve it and everything that inhabits him!🤗
We will win together, because together We are Many & We are ONE!
Maria Teixeira Munay
For further info, please contact us
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
Inscrições: [email protected]