(Testemunhos - M.)
(...) Além de toda a capacidade de análise física, emocional, psíquica, búdica, espiritual total a todos os níveis, a nível dA saúde física e espiritual, o que mais me entusiasmou, na análise realizada por esta maravilhosa máquina quântica de biofeedback, foi descobrir os traumas recebidos indirectamente através da minha Mãe quando eu já estava na sua barriga, que nunca poderia ter descoberto de outra forma. Houve violência física entre os meus pais, e o trauma chegou até mim, a poucas semanas da gestação. E ainda por cima foi tudo online. (...)
Gostaria de conhecer os seus Karmas, os seus Dharmas, e conseguir alinhar o seu espírito e desbloquear, rectificar e limpar toda essa dor, consciente ou inconsciente?
Quanto seria capaz de pagar por se ver livre dos seus bloqueios a nível de saúde, dinheiro, amor... Com esta fantástica máquina INDIGO Biofeedback, e por apenas uma ínfima parcela do que para si representaria o alívio de alguns dos seus traumas mais profundos... venha conhecer-nos.
Também pode ser realizado online, caso não consiga deslocar-se ao espaço.
Maria T. Munay
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai)
(Testimonies - M.)
(...) In addition to all the physical, emotional, psychic, Buddha-like, and spiritual analysis at all levels, what most excited me the most, in the analysis carried out by this wonderful quantum biofeedback machine, was to discover the traumas I indirectly received through my mother when I was already in her belly, which I could never have discovered otherwise. There was physical violence between my parents, and the trauma came to me a few weeks before I was born. And on top of that it was all online. (...)
Would you like to know your Karmas, your Dharma's, and be able to align your spirit and unblock, rectify and clear all this pain, conscious or unconscious?
How much you would be able to pay to be free of your blockages in terms of Health, Money, Love... With this fantastic INDIGO Biofeedback machine, and for only a tiny fraction of what it would represent to you the relief of some of your deepest traumas... come and meet us.
It can also be done online, if you can not move to space.
Contact us...
Maria T. Munay
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai) us...
(...) In addition to all the physical, emotional, psychic, Buddha-like, and spiritual analysis at all levels, what most excited me the most, in the analysis carried out by this wonderful quantum biofeedback machine, was to discover the traumas I indirectly received through my mother when I was already in her belly, which I could never have discovered otherwise. There was physical violence between my parents, and the trauma came to me a few weeks before I was born. And on top of that it was all online. (...)
Would you like to know your Karmas, your Dharma's, and be able to align your spirit and unblock, rectify and clear all this pain, conscious or unconscious?
How much you would be able to pay to be free of your blockages in terms of Health, Money, Love... With this fantastic INDIGO Biofeedback machine, and for only a tiny fraction of what it would represent to you the relief of some of your deepest traumas... come and meet us.
It can also be done online, if you can not move to space.
Contact us...
Maria T. Munay
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +351 939 739 179 (Portugal)
+971 567409002 (Dubai) us...